Below are a collection of pictures that I have taken in relation to the previous garden brainstorming. These pictures are especially related to the exotic flowers. All of the flowers below are pictures of the Hibiscus plant which grows wild in warm countries.




Thoughout the Summer I am going to research a subject which will enable me to focus on a new project. Here are some pictures that I have taken to help me brainstorm my ideas...

Surfers Against Sewage (SAS)

 Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) is a not-for profit environmental pressure group, based in Cornwall, this organisation focuses on the protection of the UK’s oceans, waves and beaches for all to access. This includes the use and enjoy safely and sustainably. This is done via campaigning, volunteering, conservation, education and scientific research.

 SAS focuses on environmental issues, including sewage, such as marine litter, climate change, offshore development, toxic chemicals.

SAS is a organisation which actively campaigns about beach litter and beach pollution. This interests me and I am going to research this organisation further. I think that this could develop my ideas in terms of campaigning through fashion.
Below are some examples of these campaigning T-Shirts.

Vivienne Westwood

Whilst considering the subjects of campaigns/campaigning I found that a number of designers use fashion in order to promote and raise awareness of a certain subject. An example of this kind of awareness in fashion is by the designer Vivienne Westwood. Vivienne Westwood is famous for her passionate and outright views, usually on ethnical issues and climate change. These strong, passionate issues are often expressed by Westwood’s fashion campaigning.
An especially related example of this is the current Comic Relief T-Shirts that Westwood designed in March 2011. These recent designs were produced in order to raise awareness of the charitable organisation known as Comic relief.
Below are some examples of some celebrities wearing these T-Shirt designed by Vivienne Westwood. I am interested in the way that these T-Shirts are displaying these issues through fashion on catwalks. Vivienne Westwood, has used famous faces and iconic people in order to increase popularity and therefore awareness. An advantage to involving those that are famous would also be to use them as being role models to others.

Marine litter - Marine Conservation Society

As previously mentioned I have been spending a lot of time drawing on the beach. This lead me to think about the rubbish on the beach and how this could effect the environment, in a negative way.
I found that the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is a UK charity, which works to protect Marine wildlife, sustainable fisheries and clean seas/beaches. In order to tackle pollution on beaches the MCS produces a programme called Beachwatch, which surveys the litter found on beaches. I found that this organisation has especially been useful for me to relate to my contextual studies on my industrial awareness report.
From this Beachwatch programme a survey was draw upon which  suggests that beach litter has risen enormously and consecutively since 1994. 

 Watch this space for more information and facts on the Marine Conservation Society and beach litter.



Whilst getting involved with this project I found myself observing the environment of the beach a lot. Here I found it surprising just how much litter there is on the beach. I found currently there is a rising number of problems surrounding beach litter, pollution and the effect that this is having on Marinelife. I am very interested in starting to research ideas in campaigning this problem and somehow promoting this.

Reasearch ideas to follow...